Monday 20 February 2012

Sleigh Bells - Reign Of Terror

I decided to review this album because, even though I've never heard of the band, the preview sounded like something I would enjoy. How wrong I was. I was very disappointed with the album.
I find it hard to describe the sound of this album and I cannot really compare it to any acts out there. But here goes...
1 - True Shred Guitar.
This is a live song. It reminded me very much of 80's acts such as Bon Jovi and Europe. It's sounds ok, guitars and vocals are ok. I found myself struggling to understand what was being said some of the time.
2 - Born To Lose.
This is an ok track. It's not great though. As before, vocals and guitars are fine but it really sounds like an album filler.
3 - Crush.
This very much reminded me of Avril Lavigne's "Girlfriend" only it's less catchy. Yet again it's another track which I couldn't hear properly. This song could be a grower though. If the vocals were more powerful or the guitars less prominent then it could be a good track. It's also very short which doesn't really allow the track to develop much. Shame really.
4 - End Of The Line.
It was at this point in the album that I started checking to see how long it had left to run. I'm really not sure what this song was supposed to be. Was it supposed to be a bit of a ballad or a pop song about heartbreak. I have a feeling this song could be very radio friendly. I also feel that a dance remix of this track could work very well. Lyrically it seemed ok (ok meaning I could tell what was being said).
5 - Leader Of The Pack.
I really don't know what to say about this track. It's not particularly brilliant, I couldn't understand the lyrics (again). At least it's short. I feel that as a live track it could be ok.
6 - Comeback Kid.
I actually think song is ok. It's catchy, has a good melody and rhythm. It's probably the most pop song on the album. It's also a song which I could easily find myself singing along too when going for a walk.
7 - Demons.
Probably my favourite track on the album. It's a good rock song. I could easily imagine a band like No Doubt performing this song. The riff is very good. It's quite a headbanger. The repetitive lyrics means its easy to sing along to. I feel if they are to improve as a band, they should use this song as an example of what they can do.
8 - Road To Hell.
Pretty similar to the last song. An ok rock song. Lyrically it's not great as half the song is just a repetition of the title.
9 - You Lost Me.
A good track. Good melody, good rhythm and the vocals actually work quite well with this song. This song sounds like a mixture of Kylie and No Doubt (an odd combination). The guitars are used to good effect in this song as I think the solo towards the end works well with the song and doesn't sound out of place.
10 - Never Say Die.
Yet another song I couldn't understand. The vocals on this song seem very weak. Not that good a track although it will get some people tapping their feet. The guitar saves (and possibly hinders) this track. The guitarist obviously has talent, they just need to home it more.
11 - D.O.A
When I first heard this track I thought it would be like the Foo Fighters song of the same name. I was wrong. It's nothing like it. It's an ok track. It's epitomises the whole album though. It lacks anything that makes it stand out from the crowd and is pretty meagre to be honest. It's a very poor end to the album.
All in all this album is pretty average. If they are going to improve then they need to become a bit more like No Doubt. They need to have more of a rock or pop edge to them. Otherwise they will just become mediocre.

Standout Track = Demons 7/10
Album Review = 6/10.

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